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If i have an esri fgdb that has no features in it. To be used for a template.

I want to validate data coming from the field against these coded domains values in the template. But i can't see how to get the domain values.

I have the "resolve domain" checked on.

I can see that probably having the single merged feature as features will not work as you get literally NOTHING.

i have also tried individual feature types as both features, and metadata.

As features I get no features (of course), as metadata I get 1 feature for each featuretype (and have enabled ALL format attributes for each featuretype). But, there is no "ATTRIB_resolved" attribute. So using the FME Hub "Read_ESRI_GDB_Domain_Data" custom transformer doesn't even work.

It seems the only interface that will allow this is through the esri "KLUNK KLUNK" domains/subtypes "clickamilliontimes" interface with no output.

anybody else experience this?

You are correct that you cannot read the domain description/code straight from the gdb template using FME.


I can say what we do, but it might not help you in this instance.

We always store our master of domain details outside of esri in another table, and utilise that to create/add/edit domain codes and values in Esri, as well as be utilised by any other process that needs them. That is because, Esri is good at reading Esri domains but nothing else does that well.


