If i have an esri fgdb that has no features in it. To be used for a template.
I want to validate data coming from the field against these coded domains values in the template. But i can't see how to get the domain values.
I have the "resolve domain" checked on.
I can see that probably having the single merged feature as features will not work as you get literally NOTHING.
i have also tried individual feature types as both features, and metadata.
As features I get no features (of course), as metadata I get 1 feature for each featuretype (and have enabled ALL format attributes for each featuretype). But, there is no "ATTRIB_resolved" attribute. So using the FME Hub "Read_ESRI_GDB_Domain_Data" custom transformer doesn't even work.
It seems the only interface that will allow this is through the esri "KLUNK KLUNK" domains/subtypes "clickamilliontimes" interface with no output.
anybody else experience this?