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DGNV8 writer throws AutoCAD2004Writer error

  • February 19, 2025
  • 5 replies



I am converting SHP data to DGN using DGNV8 writer dynamically (via FeatureWriter). Everything works fine, but I don´t understand why it always uses ACAD writer first, throws this error and warning:

AutoCAD Writer: An error occurred for dataset 'dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn', in function AutoCAD2004Writer::write. Unknown exception thrown. Aborting method
BADNEWS: ACAD writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\engine_api_impl\cpp\pluginbuilder\dynawch.cpp:129) class StatusInfo __cdecl DynaWriteChannel::putFeature(class STFFeature *&)

DESIGN WRITER: Failed to write '3D elements' data through a proxy. Skipping such data for all elements written

Then it writes everything using DGNV8 writer and the output DGN looks good, nothing seems to be missing. The only issue is that it throws quite big number of errors like this. I publish and use this workbench in FME Flow and the number of errors doesn´t look good in the finished jobs.

Any idea how to avoid these errors? Thanks!


Related part of the logfile:

Creating writer for format: 
Creating reader for format: 
MULTI_READER(MULTI_READER): Will fail with first member reader failure
No readers were found to be part of the Multi-Reader, so no data will be read.
Using Multi Reader with keyword `MULTI_READER' to read multiple datasets
Using MultiWriter with keyword `MULTI_DEST' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')
Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'
FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (4.0 20240212)
Emptying factory pipeline
Restoring 4 feature(s) from FME feature store file `C:\Users\musta\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-cache-EXP143DGN_250217_attach-pfIqRs\Main_GeometryFilter -1 249 fo 1 Point  0  9bca7c76d936087b9255ebda5defc86e559e64cf.ffs'
Creating writer for format: 
Using MultiWriter with keyword `dgn' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')
BADNEWS: File C:\Program Files\FME2024\metafile\MULTI_WRITER.fmf could not be opened
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\core\control\generiz.cpp:1663) class StatusInfo __cdecl STFGenericizer::processMetafile(const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> *,const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class STFAttributeName &,class STFMetaMapper &,class STFObjectNameConstraints &,bool &,bool &,bool &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class std::vector<class STFFeatureType,class std::allocator<class STFFeatureType> > &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class std::vector<struct std::pair<class STFAttributeName,class stk::ex::UString<0> >,class std::allocator<struct std::pair<class STFAttributeName,class stk::ex::UString<0> > > > &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class std::vector<class STFAttributeName,class std::allocator<class STFAttributeName> > &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,bool &,bool &,class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class STFObjectNameConstraints &,class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> &,class stk::ex::UString<0> &)
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\core\control\generiz.cpp:892) class StatusInfo __cdecl STFGenericizer::loadMetaMapper(const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,const class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> *,const class stk::ex::UStringArray<0> *,bool)
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\core\control\generiz.cpp:5478) class StatusInfo __cdecl STFGenericizer::getFeatureTypeConstraints(const class stk::ex::UString<0> &,class STFObjectNameConstraints &)
BADNEWS: No MULTI_WRITER dataset name was specified (couldn't find a value for `dgn_DATASET' or `MULTI_WRITER_DATASET')
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\core\engine\writrimp.cpp:675) class StatusInfo __cdecl STFWriterImp::getDataset(class stk::ex::UString<0> &) const
Creating writer for format: Bentley MicroStation Design (V8)
Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for writer named `DGNV8'
Loaded module 'DGNV8' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\plugins/DGNV8.dll'
FME API version of module 'DGNV8' matches current internal version (4.0 20240212)
FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set
Writer `dgn_0' of type `DGNV8' using group definition keyword `dgn_0_DEF'
Creating reader for format: Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF
Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `ACAD'
Loaded module 'ACAD' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\plugins/acad/ACAD.dll'
FME API version of module 'acad/ACAD' matches current internal version (4.0 20240212)
AutoCAD Reader: Successfully opened the source dataset 'Design' file 'dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn'
Closing ACAD reader
Destroying ACAD reader
Closing ACAD reader
DESIGN WRITER: Opened dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn successfully for DGNV8 writing
DESIGN WRITER: V8 Seed File, Model 'Implicitn\xED' Coordinate Information:
        10 UOR(s) per subunit and 100 subunit per master unit
        Global origin X: 2147483648 Y: 2147483648 Z: 2147483648
DESIGN WRITER: V8 Seed File UOR value: 1000
DESIGN WRITER: The cells read from the cell file 'C:\Program Files\FME\design\default_v8.cel' are as follows: FLAGPL ANTENA CEMTRY TRSGNL SIGN PAYPHN TOWER RRSGNL TREE OBJECT FLOW STRLIT BLDLIT POLLIT 
FME Configuration: Destination coordinate system set to input coordinate system `_Czech/JTSK.Krovak_0'
Creating writer for format: Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF
Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for writer named `ACAD'
FME Configuration: Using FME Reprojection Engine
FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set
Writer `ACAD' of type `ACAD' using group definition keyword `ACAD_DEF'
AutoCAD Writer: Opening dataset 'dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn'...
No AutoCAD Template file specified
AutoCAD version wasn't specified. Using default AutoCAD version Release2013
No AutoCAD font folder specified. All Text and Multi-Text entities will use the default font file 'default.shx'
ACAD writer is in DEBUG MODE
FME_DEBUG -> 'Yes'
_VERSION -> ''
_PURGE -> 'No'
_INDEX_TYPE -> '0'
_BLOCK_MSD_STORAGE -> 'insert'
AutoCAD Writer: An error occurred for dataset 'dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn', in function AutoCAD2004Writer::write. Unknown exception thrown. Aborting method
BADNEWS: ACAD writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\engine_api_impl\cpp\pluginbuilder\dynawch.cpp:129) class StatusInfo __cdecl DynaWriteChannel::putFeature(class STFFeature *&)
DESIGN WRITER: Failed to write '3D elements' data through a proxy. Skipping such data for all elements written
AutoCAD Writer: Closing writer...
AutoCAD Writer: Successfully closed writer
Destroying ACAD writer
Feature output statistics for `ACAD' writer using keyword `ACAD':
                               Features Written
Total Features Written                                                       1
Feature output statistics for `DGNV8' writer using keyword `dgn_0':
                               Features Written
Zeleznice_bod                                                                4
Total Features Written                                                       4
BADNEWS: Cannot convert null string into an integer
(D:\code\fme\source\engine\core\stf\stfutil.cpp:330) class StatusInfo __cdecl STF_stringToUInt(const class ObsoleteString &,unsigned int &)
Destination Feature Type Routing Correlator (RoutingFactory): Tested 1 input feature(s), wrote 1 output feature(s): 0 matched merge filters, 0 were routed to output, 1 could not be routed.
Final Output Nuker (TeeFactory): Cloned 1 input feature(s) into 0 output feature(s)
      Features not written - verify feature type fanout/dynamic settings
  (Check that fanout/dynamic feature type attribute exists and has a value)
Total features not written                                                   1


5 replies

  • Safer
  • February 20, 2025

Hi ​@jiri.petrak 

What you're seeing appears to be BADNEWS logs, which are generated when Log Debug is enabled.

Our advice is to NOT use Log Debug if your translation appears to run correctly. Only if there is a regular warning or error should Log Debug be used to obtain further information.

You can read more about this here:

Hope this helps!


  • Author
  • Contributor
  • February 21, 2025

Hi ​@emmaatsafe 

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately there are not only BADNEWS errors. I have enabled Log Debug in order to get more information about this:

AutoCAD Writer: An error occurred for dataset 'dgn\DI\vydej_di_L1.dgn', in function AutoCAD2004Writer::write. Unknown exception thrown. Aborting method

  • Safer
  • February 24, 2025

Hi ​@jiri.petrak 

Got it! I was able to confirm with the development team that the DGNv8 reader and writer share some functionality with the AutoCAD reader/writer, which is why you're seeing an AutoCAD writer error in this case.

If you'd like to investigate this further, feel free to provide a repro workspace and error details, and I'll file a ticket with our development team to track down the source of the issue!



  • Author
  • Contributor
  • February 26, 2025

Hi ​@emmaatsafe 

When simplifying the workspace to provide, I found out the error raises only when I use my seed file to write the DGN. When I use the default FME seed file, no error occurs.

But I really don’t understand what causes the error, can you look at it? I attach the very basic workbench, zipped input SHP and the seed file.

Thanks in advance,


  • Safer
  • March 13, 2025

Hi ​@jiri.petrak 

Apologies on the delay, I missed your message.

Thank you for sending over your files! I just took a look at them and was able to reproduce the behaviour you mentioned. I will file a ticket to our development team and keep you updated.

Thank you!



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