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destination excel file should fill Attribute Filter and Attribute Creator automatically

  • 25 March 2013
  • 8 replies

Hi Guys,



from a source .dgn file i read postal codes from TAGs into a destination .xls file.

I want to fill these postal codes in the .xls file  automatically in a Attribute filter and Attribute Creators should been created where an attribute is create which have this postal code.


so when in the Excel file is an postal code 20000, i want to fil automatically a attribute filter which filter a named cell with 20000 and an attribute creator will be set after the filter where an attribute postal code is filled with 20000.




Can I handle this in one workbench?






Greetz and Cheers





not sure if I understood it all, but could it be that an AttributeValueMapper is what you're looking for? It has an "Import" buttom that allows you to populate the list from your input data source and it will create a new attribute based on an input value.



If you need something more complex, consider looking into the SchemaMapper. A bit more complex to use, but incredibly powerful.




maybe with the workbench screenshot its easier to describe.


the results which are written in the destination .xls file "KG_Nu_..." should fill automatically the Attribute Filter (with 81002,81013, and so on) and then i like to create automatically Attribute Creators (like Attribute Creator 7) which fill the Attribute GNR with the Filterattribute.


And now i dont know on which way u do something like this in an automated way. (problem is i will never have the same postal codes)

with transormers like AttributeValueMapper or SchemaMapper maybe. Id never uset these ftransormers.



Sorry for my English and my Uknowledge....;-))



maybe i can send u a screenshot per email?



Greetz and Cheers



Hi Franco,



it is quite possible that I don't quite understand your process here, but to me it seems that you're just renaming an attribute while preserving the value? If so, an AttributeRenamer is your friend.



Or am I missing something here?




Hi David,


i know i have comment it in an difficult way.

I have TAGS on cells which are named after the postal codes the surfaces are in.These TAGs i filter in an excel file.

These TAGS are variable for each .dgn file (source) I dont know them before.

Then i filter in an attribute filter these TAGS because when a surface is in the postal code 81002 then the TAG is named 81002 and there is my number set which i need and which i write in a new attribute....but i cant only rename because i see all tagnames which are in the source file and i dont know which tag is filled by each surface.


oh i think now its really complicated....;-)

ok...maybe this is easier:



i have 10 features with 10 different TAGs:


The TAGS are named 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

when a feature is in the postal code 1 the the TAG 1 is filled the other ones are empty.


first of all i filter the whole.dgn file after TAGS so the result can be:



2,6,12,15,18,21 e.g.


this result i want automatically in my attribute filter so i see which features are in 2 which are in 6 and so on.....


after that filter i have to set an attributereanmer because then i see which TAG is filled by each feature and i can rename for e.g. TAG 2 or TAG 6....


but i want that automatically because otherwise i have to change it manually each time.



Is that a better declaration? I hope so....



Greetz and Cheers


Hi Franco,



it sounds like a job for either a SchemaMapper or for a custom script in a PythonCaller.



Here are a couple of starting points for the SchemaMapper:


For the PythonCaller, have a look at this article from fmepedia.



I'm sure there are other ways to implement it, but those two might be the most elegant and flexible ones.



