
Decimal Second precision on timestamp to PostGIS

  • 17 July 2013
  • 4 replies

I have a table in PostGIS with a timestamp(4) (with time zone)  data type.    I am trying to insert a value of:



2013-07-06 14:24:50.200



What i get is the following:



2013-07-06 14:24:50+04



The +04 is obviously the timezone, which is fine, however i loose my precision on the seconds.   I have tried most everything and am stumped.



I am currently on still stuck in FME2011.



Thanks in advance for any insight!




4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17



According to the Postgresql documentation, the fractional part of Date/Time value does not seem to be output by default (ISO). To make sure whether correct value was inserted, you can use to_char function in a select statement.



Userlevel 4



Takashi is right, this is an issue related to the differences in storage vs. representation of timestamps in the database.



Here is a sample SELECT statement to output a timestamp in the desired format:



select to_char(my_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US') as my_timestamp_str


from my_table




Thank guys for the response.    I have checked and i still seem to be loosing my decimals during the writing/bulk insert part.   I have tried to trick FME by setting different data types in write (char, etc) with no luck.



Any other suggestions?  

Userlevel 2
Badge +17



I tested in FME 2013 SP2 and PostgresSQL 9.2, and missing of the fractional part was reproduced when writing a timestamp using the PostgreSQL writer. It could be an FME limitation but I cannot say any more things. To clarify this issue, I recommend you to ask the question to the Safe.   In addition, when I inserted a timestamp using an SQLCreator with the following SQL statement, the data was inserted correctly. SQL statements (parameter of SQLCreator): FME_SQL_DELIMITER ; -create table timestamp_test ( my_timestamp timestamp(4) with time zone ); insert into timestamp_test (my_timestamp) values ('2013-07-19 11:26:15.55');   Result shown on the Query Tool of pdAdmin III: 2013-07-19 11:26:15.55+09



