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The connection works fine; but when I try to read data i get: Error running query: Failed to acquire a SAS token for list on /__unitystorage/schemas/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/tables/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/_delta_log Exception: 403: Your token is missing the required scopes for this endpoint. What is wrong? --- I am quite new to databricks. Thank you.

Hi @hermann​ what authentication method are you using for the Databricks Reader? Is your Databricks hosted on AWS or Azure?

If you enable Log Debug and re-run the reader, do you see any additional errors or information in the log file? If so would you be able to share the full .log file with us here?

To enable Log Debug you can go to Tools (in the FME Workbench toolbar) > FME Options > Translation > Log Message Filter > check Log Debug.




Thanks, this was my fault. Wrong subscription.
