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Hi, I’m having some problems working with the CSV Reader. I created a Reader from a CSV that has 3 fields: Address, City, and ZIP. I have ‘Case Sensitive Field Names’ and ‘Enforce Strict Schema’ set to No, but then if I modify my source CSV to have the attributes: address, city zip, and Notes, the Reader fails to read in any data.

What am I doing wrong here? It seems like even though I changes some properties for the Reader, it is defaulting back to the original schema that I input when creating the Reader. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Unless you are doing dynamic reading/writing, you will still need to modify which Attribute Names to expose to the workspace.

An initial Reader setup will automatically do an initial scan of the source data, and default to exposing all fields/columns found as Attribute Names to the workspace.   If during Reader setup this was Address, City, ZIP……..then that it will be these columns the Reader will by default be set to Expose to the Workspace (if present in the Source).

If you change the field names in the source, the Reader will still read the Feature data in, but any fields/columns that are not called Address, City, ZIP will be read as unexposed Attributes.

This is fine in dynamic read/write situations where the workspace does not care generally what fields are Exposed in the workspace of not.   However if you have downstream Transformers that depend on these being exposed for their own Parameter settings, then you will need to either go and change the Reader Attributes to Expose setting or use a separate AttributeExposer.
