I want to write to an MS Access File - which I have been able to do successfully. However, it requires me to create the blank Access file manually before running the workspace. Is there a way inside FME to create a blank MS Access File?
I want to write to an MS Access File - which I have been able to do successfully. However, it requires me to create the blank Access file manually before running the workspace. Is there a way inside FME to create a blank MS Access File?
Simply add an MS Access writer to your workspace, add a featuretype to the canvas and connect your data to it. As long as your table has 1 or more attributes defined in it the table will be created inside a new MDB file.
Hope that helps.
my experience matches that of Dave's.
I just tested with FME2013sp2 and FME2012sp4, they both created the mdb file just fine.