I would like to write some data from my statisticscalculator to a sharepoint list. If the list with the autocad input name does not exist, it should create a new list with the same name as the autocad input.
After Running my current workspace it tells me the following:
Cannot find a matching schema named 'C:\Cloud\Sync\_Projecten\FME\Inwerken Progress Checker/Input\Fme Generated\Karteringen&Areas.dwg' in the known set of schemas: ''. Known schema sources are: 'SHAREPOINT_2'. Please verify writer feature type configuration.
Python Exception <KeyError>: 'C:\\Cloud\\Sync\\_Projecten\\FME\\Inwerken Progress Checker/Input\\Fme Generated\\Karteringen&Areas.dwg'
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
I am confused as to why it it wont create a new one. My writer has been set up like this:
my Current workspace looks like this
The data i want to write looks like this:
The sharepoint list i want to use as a template if it the list does not exist, looks like this:
I have been reading up on the help but it has not been helpfull with this particular issue. I would greatly appriciate it if you can help me out.
My regards,