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Hi guys,

I am trying to automate a process which requires to write into a new file-geodatabase everytime i run. is there a way that FME can create a new file geodatabase for my feature classes in a same workbench?


Hi @sangli

If you mean to write in the middle of a process you can use the FeatureWriter transformer . You can place it anywhere in the transformation process and continue with the translation.

Which version of FME are you using by the way?





Do you mean to overwrite the database each time the Workspace runs? If so, look into the parameters for the writer to find the overwrite option.

If you want to create a new database each time then the name or location would need to change and you could use the Fanout Dataset option to achieve this.

Just for clarification, what should happen to the old database? Overwrite it or retain it?



Hello @sangli


To verify, you are wanting to create a new File Geodatabase with features classes on each translation of the workspace. If that is correct, there are a few ways you could accomplish this.

If the Feature Classes within the Geodatabase are always the same, you could use a Template File Geodatabase(not an XML template), this will mimic the template you have chosen. You could then set the name of the Output geodatabase to be "Output_$(DateStamp).gdb" using Date Type user Parameter.



Alternatively, you could use a dynamic writer with a Template Geodatabase(ensure again you are not overwriting the geodatabase).

If you can provide more information regarding what you are trying to achieve, we can provide better assistance.

Hi @sangli

If you mean to write in the middle of a process you can use the FeatureWriter transformer . You can place it anywhere in the transformation process and continue with the translation.

Which version of FME are you using by the way?





Hi Lyes mine is 2017 version and your suggestion perfectly solved the problem.. Thanks!


