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I have one excel file containing following columns:


- feature_type --> defines output file


- attribute_name --> defines the attribute name


- attribute_data_type --> defines the attribute data type


- geometry_type --> defines the output geometry type


- order --> defines the attribute order



I now want to create a set of output files based on the feature_type.


If the field geometry_type is filled, a shapefile should be created. In all other cases a dbf table.


Attributes should be created based on the fields attribute_name and attribute_data_type.



Aim is to have all work done in the input excel file and minimum of manipulations in the workspace.


I only want to create empty files that will be filled later by an operator manually.



Any ideas on this?







"NoFeaturesTester" is custom transformer exists in the store please download initially.



Connect the NOINPUT port to a shape file such that it will create a shpae file with 1 feature. But please check once with your data how the shape file is built. I have not checked it.



Hope this helps






"NoFeaturesTester" is custom transformer exists in the store please download initially.



Connect the NOINPUT port to a shape file such that it will create a shpae file with 1 feature. But please check once with your data how the shape file is built. I have not checked it.



Hope this helps




Hi Pratap,

I am using data interoperability workbench in ArcGIS Pro. But Hub transformer 'NoFeaturesTester' able to install?

Thank you,

