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i had 2 question ,

1, how to create an empty polygon (i v tried with creator function but with no result)

2, how to verify if a polygon had an entity or is empty ?

You can create a feature with a NULL geometry using the Creator, is that what you mean? And for checking what kind of geometry a feature has you can use the GeometryFilter, have it check for NULL.

hi, thanks for your answer , so what i need, is to place a terminator when a feature has no entity, so i v tried whith counter, but, when i test a file with no entity the counter doesnt had an input.

hi, thanks for your answer , so what i need, is to place a terminator when a feature has no entity, so i v tried whith counter, but, when i test a file with no entity the counter doesnt had an input.

What exactly do you mean with "no entity"?

hi, thanks for your answer , so what i need, is to place a terminator when a feature has no entity, so i v tried whith counter, but, when i test a file with no entity the counter doesnt had an input.

it means that a feature had no rows .

You can create a polygon using the Creator not very handy if its a complex polygon with many coordinates, since you have to manually insert the XY values.

An easier way with the creator to create a simple box polygon is Geometry Object: 2D Min/Max Box, just be aware it expects space separated values (e.g. 0 0 10 10)

If you erase the Creation Instance Attribute value, you get a polygon with no attributes.

Perhaps you are after the NoFeatureTester (custom transformer) connect that up to your polygon input. If there are features they will come out the output, if there are none then a feature will come out of the NoFeatures Port. You can place a Terminator on that port to halt the process.


Super handy tool
