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Has anyone successfully created a workspace that can convert Ordnance Survey MasterMap data to dwg format? I understand the process would be quite complex, but it would be good to get an idea of what’s involved from anyone who may have done this.

Hi @emerson_styles,

I can’t say I have, but it should definitely be doable! I’m guessing that you’re working with the UK OS MasterMap Topography Layer (GML) reader, if that’s right? There’s a few different reader options but this is the newer one to the Non-XSD Driven, GML v2.1.2 Only (DNF) reader.

Do you have any particular concerns getting specific data across to DWG?

I’d suggest giving it a try to read in the data first and see what data you’re working with and how you want it to be structured (by layers) in DWG and then adding a writer to see what you get across first. It’s best to have a template DWG file defined and ready to go for your DWG writer if you have a target for what layers you need, what colours they should be, and line weights, line types … etc.

This page has a list of resources for working with CAD that might be helpful for any specific CAD elements you might be stuck on for writing:

Hopefully that helps you get started and others in the Community might be able to share some more experiences working with this kind of translation!
