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I am facing an issue with converting GeoJSON data of building surfaces, directly to Cesium 3D Tiles.

where the output is incomplete. A lot of the surfaces are missing.

I was recommended to do an intermediate step of converting to CityGML i.e. GeoJSON >> CityGML >> Cesium 3DTiles. And this works fine, except that the output tiles.json does not contain the (maximum and minimum) values of the attributes, which I can generate in the former direct conversion method.




So here are my questions:

1- Why does the direct method (GeoJSON >> Cesium 3D Tiles) generate incomplete buildings?

2- Is there a way to edit the parameters in the conversion from GeoJSON to CityGML to Cesium 3DTiles, where I can still end up with the max and min values in my tile.json?

3- My GeoJSON are exported from my PostgreSQL database, so initially I start my data as database tables! Is there a method to connect FME to my PostgreSQL database and get a direct conversion to Cesium 3DTiles?






Hi @ayahhyari,

1. I'm not sure why the direct conversion would produce incomplete buildings. It would be helpful if you could share your workspace and sample of your source data with us. If you don't want to make it public, please email it to, Attn. Dave.

2. We would need to look at your workflow to resolve this question as well.

3. FME can read from PostgreSQL, and has transformers to create Cesium compatible output from many different types of input. We should be able to work out a process to go directly from your database to Cesium. Please add a PostgreSQL reader to a workspace, then attach a Recorder transformer to each source feature type and run the workspace. The resulting FFS files will be a good starting point for us to prototype the process.

Hi @ayahhyari,

1. I'm not sure why the direct conversion would produce incomplete buildings. It would be helpful if you could share your workspace and sample of your source data with us. If you don't want to make it public, please email it to, Attn. Dave.

2. We would need to look at your workflow to resolve this question as well.

3. FME can read from PostgreSQL, and has transformers to create Cesium compatible output from many different types of input. We should be able to work out a process to go directly from your database to Cesium. Please add a PostgreSQL reader to a workspace, then attach a Recorder transformer to each source feature type and run the workspace. The resulting FFS files will be a good starting point for us to prototype the process.

Thank you for the answer...



But I have one more question please.


How can I generate 3D tiles with no built-in shaders?


i.e. the buildings I'm extracting now remain to have a dark side due to the sun effect


but turning off the shadow in the script is not doing the trick. I was told to extract again without the shaders... but I can see no direct option.




Thank you for the answer...



But I have one more question please.


How can I generate 3D tiles with no built-in shaders?


i.e. the buildings I'm extracting now remain to have a dark side due to the sun effect


but turning off the shadow in the script is not doing the trick. I was told to extract again without the shaders... but I can see no direct option.




Hi @ayahhyari,


I don't think we have an option to turn off the shaders in FME's Cesium writer. If you would like this option added to the writer, please request in the Ideas section:

