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Hi, I'm looking to set up a FME workbench which will take multiple .dwg files in a specific folder and convert them to individual pdf's. This won't be a one-off process with the idea being to be able to add new .dwg files to the folder and to convert them to pdf as and when required. Can anyone suggest the best way of doing this please? many thanks

I would create a workspace that takes one DWG and converts to PDF.

The create a "Runner" workspace starting with a "Directory and File path" reader, to get the DWG file names.

Follow this by a WorkspaceRunner transformer to run the DWG2PDF workspace and pass it the DWG filename as a parameter.

This way it will run per DWG for each file in the specified source folder (even if you add DWG files later).

I agree with erik_jan, this 'paren-child' structure seems the way to go.



Also, make sure to explode your .dwg when reading them.

If you want to same 'look & feel' as your original autocad file, you will have to work with the color, linewidth, text size and linetype attributes from autocad and translate them to something the PDF writer understands. There are many possibilities, though.



If you need specific help on those transformations, it might deserve a seperate question.

