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I have serveral different directories within one directory that have TAB files (of point, line, and polygon geometry type) that I would like to merge and convert to SHP by there unique name.  For example:
















What I want is for the output directory is, all the same name files to be merged and converfted to ESRI SHP, e.g.










I defined my TAB reader to the TAB directory/sub directory as Single Merged Feature Type.  For my SHP writer I defined my output directory, however I'm not sure where to go from here since it is asking for a particular geometry type and the input TAB files are of different geometry type being point, line, and polygon.  I guessing there is some automated way of using one reader and one writer instead of creating seperate readers and writers for each unique input dataset?



Thank you
Have you tried the Generate Workspace to generate the "initial" workspace - that automatically sorts the Geometries into different output-files. And then you can add other logics to this workspace later.


Filter by geometry type, then send point, line and poly to different outputs. Fan out each of the three outputs by file base name and it will create a new SHP for each distinct input file.
