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When I convert a GeoTIFF to ECW, the bright colors of the GeoTIFF are not preserved in the ECW output. Is that possible anyway, to convert it and preserve 100% of the right colors?


Searching the knowledgebase, I have found some directions to a solution: How to preserve exact colors in raster conversion .ecw to .tiff? (


But in the end, how could it be done? Does someone has experience with it?


Find examples below of the original GeoTIFF and the ECW output.

  • the faded example is the ECW file
  • the bright colored example is the GeoTIFF file

Can you check the GeoTIFF and see if it's e.g. RGBA instead of RGB, or 64 bits instead of 32?

Can you check the GeoTIFF and see if it's e.g. RGBA instead of RGB, or 64 bits instead of 32?

Thanks Hans (@Hans van der Maarel​ ) for your quick reply.


With the RasterPropertyExtractor, I found that it's a RGB GeoTIFF.

The bands are: RED8, GREEN8, BLUE8

And, it's a 24 bits image


Using the RasterInterpretationCoercer, setting the raster to a RGBA (32bits), doesn't change anything for the writer.

Hi @Harmen Kampinga​ I've tested this with my own dataset to no avail. It likely has something to do with the bands / type of Raster as mentioned already. If you're okay with sharing your dataset here that would be helpful to solve this. You could also upload it to our Safe Support FTP if you want to keep things confidential.


Additionally, we have a great article called How to Convert GeoTIFF to ECW. Let me know if that helps!
