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Trying to convert the data from Access DB to Oracle non spatial tables. Column is number at writer but the values shows as double with precision values so data format voilation after conversion, Am i mssing any configurations? shows problem in detail.

I couldn't reproduce your conversion issue. NUMBER is a floating point value in Oracle so if FME thinks you have a floating point value it will use a floating point value. Make sure that the FME Oracle Writer Feature Type has the correct data type set. The issue might arise in Access, so if you want to attach a small sample Access database that illustrates the problem that might help us isolate the problem.

I couldn't reproduce your conversion issue. NUMBER is a floating point value in Oracle so if FME thinks you have a floating point value it will use a floating point value. Make sure that the FME Oracle Writer Feature Type has the correct data type set. The issue might arise in Access, so if you want to attach a small sample Access database that illustrates the problem that might help us isolate the problem.

@MarkAtSafe , Thank you, Altered column of table without precision. Column datatype is now NUMBER (6,0) instead of NUMBER, Working fine as expected number.


