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Has anyone managed to successfully connect to a MySQL database using the MariaDB reader?



The first time I tried I successfully got the table list and was able to choose a table but when it came to add the reader it just said "Running indefinitely" until I cancelled it.



Now if I try to add it again I get a fatal error and FME shuts down



(FME 2013 SP3 Build 13528)



Have you tried the troubleshooting steps?



All of the fme docs pages hang my browser (different machine to the one running FME) but from what I could read there doesn't seem anything else to try.



It returns all the tables in the database I'm connecting to so I'm assuming all the parameters are correct. I would expect an error in the setup to produce a different error to "FME EXE has enountered a problem and needs to close"?



we recognized a similar problem. In our case an update of the operating system from WinXP to Win7 helped. Maybe you can test this...



Best regards,


