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CAT reader works well based on field properties and field boundaries set in Parameters window.

I'm facing the following issue:

1. I re-access the Parameters (Update Feature Types) and change the field boundaries (e.g. adding new fields with the ruler).

2. After Update Feature Types the Feature Type properties / User Attributes (Name, Type, width) are according the changed parameters.

3. When running the workspace (no transformers are added, only an Inspector is connected to the reader) , the new fields are shown in the table view of the inspector but without content. Furthermore the content is placed in the fields as before.

Does updating CAT feature types need additional parameters I'm not aware of? Or is it a bug

(I tried FME 2015.0 and FME 2016 Beta)

Thanks for any hint


I've found with the CAT reader the reader directive uses the original schema defined when the reader was added, regardless of any Updates to the Feature Type.

Deleting and re-adding the reader and defining the correct schema is the way to go. There is PR37863 related to this.

I've reproduced the problem and we'll try and fix it. When you do the update feature type, even if you go back into the CAT reader parameters and add or delete the new columns, the original schema is reused. For the time being you'll have to use jdh's suggestion and add a new CAT reader from scratch.

Hi Klaus

It looks like this is a known issue in FME. Please contact the support team ( and ask them to check your issue against PR#53410

The good news is that it does look like they have fixed this in FME2016.1 - so a fix would not be long coming.
