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For some reason, I am unable to write to two consecutive specified columns in an excel spreadsheet.

I have specified the Column B and 3 rows of that for one set of data.


I have also specified Column D and 3 rows of that for the other set of data.


It doesn't matter if I use the featurewriter or the xlsx writer. I am unable to get Columns B and D to populate together. My export comes from a template that has calculations in it.


There is a ROW attribute that works correctly with fixed values of 37, 38, and 40.


The column is specified as the field B and D for each data stream which is correct.


They are both going to the same sheet and I have been unable to make the other column that is not writing write to another column or sheet somewhere.


I do this often with other reports and have not yet had this issue.


Driving me crazy.


Any suggestions would be appreciated :)




xlsx results



fme xlsw ss


I am one step closer. It seems I should have put ROWS B and D in both the attribute managers of each of the bookmarked data streams. Now just to work out why one is dumping out a string instead of a value even when everything says numeric 😃

@brady​  It's tricky writing to the same spreadsheet with two different FME writers. Excel only supports a single user, so you can't have the spreadsheet open twice. If you use two writers, then you might get a file lock error. But... you can't have two feature types with the same name on the same writer, so what to do...?

Try using named ranges - sheet1\\first and sheet1\\second

I've attached a small example

@brady​  It's tricky writing to the same spreadsheet with two different FME writers. Excel only supports a single user, so you can't have the spreadsheet open twice. If you use two writers, then you might get a file lock error. But... you can't have two feature types with the same name on the same writer, so what to do...?

Try using named ranges - sheet1\\first and sheet1\\second

I've attached a small example

Hi Mark, Thanks for your response and the sample, that is quite helpful. I got it working using one writer. I did use two featurewriters at one stage since you can have the same file, sheet name concurrently but settled on one. There are just some annoying calculations of % area of buffered areas in my spreadsheet that are playing up. I may have to move all the calcs into FME.


Thanks again.
