I have a multiple choice question at first. Depending on the checked values I want to ask some follow-up questions.
I only want these follow-up questions visible when the user checked that topic in the multiple choice question.
Since I cannot use a condition on visibility like ‘contains’, I tried this by first using a scripted parameter.
If the value is checked, return 1, else return 0.
I then use this scripted parameter in the conditional visibility of the follow-up question(s).
But.. this does not seem to work and affect the visibility.
If I run the script, I can see the scripted parameter does work, it returns a 1 if needed and a 0 otherwise.
But it does nothing for the visibility of the follow-up questions.
Can this work? Or are the scripted parameters only calculated afterwards/during runtime and therefore cannot be used in conditional visibility of other parameters?
I'm also seeing some new possibilties in 2024.1 (currently working in 2023.1) with the scripted selection. Would this solve it?
I have attached a workbench with the parameters as I'm using them.