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Hello everyone

I hope someone can help me. I try to convert an INTERLIS (Switzerland specific dataformat) into a File-Geodatabase and got always the same error message:


Could not create the File Geodatabase 'C:\Users\Documents\IBI INTERLIS\Test\ibi_saxeten.gdb'. A possible reason is that you may not have permission to create the Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220902'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {}


Could anyone explain to me what this error message means, because I have literally no idea what causes this problem.


Thanks a lot and have a nice week :) 

If I understand correctly, FME does not have write permissions in the folder C:\Users\Documents\IBI INTERLIS\Test to write ibi_saxeten.gdb.


Can you try to write any other file to that location using FME to check if that is the case?

Thanks for your response. I’ve tried to write a gpkg in the same location - it works but it doesn’t write the geometry. Also I’ve tried to change the location but this makes no difference.


Thanks for your response. I’ve tried to write a gpkg in the same location - it works but it doesn’t write the geometry. Also I’ve tried to change the location but this makes no difference.


At least you’ve determined FME has permission to write in that folder so that is a success :)

I’m puzzled why it does not work for a geodatabase.

When you say it won’t write geometry in the gpkg, what kind of geometries are you writing? Points / Lines / Polygons? Collections? If collections, are they homogeneous? (Collections of the same geometry type.) Can you add a printscreen of your writer settings? How did you check if the gpkg does not contain geometries? (Which tool, did you reread using FME or did you use ArcGIS Pro or something else.) What does the log say? Any warnings or errors? Can you attach the log?

Thanks for your response. I’ve tried to write a gpkg in the same location - it works but it doesn’t write the geometry. Also I’ve tried to change the location but this makes no difference.


At least you’ve determined FME has permission to write in that folder so that is a success :)

I’m puzzled why it does not work for a geodatabase.

When you say it won’t write geometry in the gpkg, what kind of geometries are you writing? Points / Lines / Polygons? Collections? If collections, are they homogeneous? (Collections of the same geometry type.) Can you add a printscreen of your writer settings? How did you check if the gpkg does not contain geometries? (Which tool, did you reread using FME or did you use ArcGIS Pro or something else.) What does the log say? Any warnings or errors? Can you attach the log?

Hey, thank’s again for your support. We have already figured out what the problem was. To write the data from INTERLIS to a gdb we are needing a specific GEONIS data model from VertiGIS which is the reason why we are not able to write the data. With this model it should work. 


If it still not works with the GEONIS data model, then the problem will be within the source data.


Also regarding the Geopackage, we need the correct data model. Surprisingly it was possible to export the data via the Data Inspector in a valid gdb and gpkg, just with the wrong schema.
