I am new to FME desktop, so i understand that this question may be already answered or that i have missed the right transformer due to my unfamiliarity/noobiness.
Context: I am in the final stages of converting a combination of arcgis model builder, python and SQL processes that result in 15 "_new" datasets being produced and outputted into an SDE database (a weekly process - In FME i am working with full file replacements and not merged/replaced data.). The final step is to have the 'new' datasets become the 'current' datasets, and what is known as the 'current' data to become the '_old dataset (i.e. back up).
Currently the update (renaming) of these datasets into production is done manually (not ideal), so i am aiming to speed up the renaming and reduce the chances of human error.
In essence each of the 15 datasets in the database has a total of 3 datasets related;
- '_old' = previous weeks data kept as back up
- current data which has no _suffix, and
- '_NEW' = updated/new data (that needs to replace the 'current' data)
Question: is their a way that i can bulk update/replace/rename the datasets (not their attributes) in FME so that;
1) all '_old' gets deleted (e.g. 'address_old.shp')
2) all '<current>' get renamed to '_old' (e.g. 'address.shp becomes 'address_old)
3) all '_NEW' get renamed to '<current>' (e.g. 'address_NEW.shp)
I can use python caller and write a script to do the renaming, but i was hoping to keep everything within FME. Does anyone have any suggestions