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Hi everyone,

I'm exporting GIS point data to AutoCAD Map 3D DWG file. On output, I need to have the inserts as blocks and the original attributes as object data. In the workflow, I use the "DWGStyler" transformer with block definition defined in a DWG Template file - original block doesn't have any attribute - and output them in AutoCAD Map 3D Writer with OD.

Everything is fine : when I open my output DWG File in AutoCAD Map 3D, I have correct blocks and object data... but block attributes too ! So, I get duplicate attribute information for each object (cf. attachments).

This DWG File must be edited by other users and re-import later on GIS, so the duplicated information can be a source of confusion.

Is there a solution to insert block without block attributes ?

Thanks for help !

Sorry for the duplicated post, I've just seen ddecoene post "creating autocad blocks with object data"... with the same issue. I had looking for tomorrow but...

So i try to follow this.

Sorry for the duplicated post, I've just seen ddecoene post "creating autocad blocks with object data"... with the same issue. I had looking for tomorrow but...

So i try to follow this.

Hi @arxit,


just wanted to check in if ddecoene's post answered your question or if you're still seeking an answer?

