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Hi, can you have a look at this forum-related issue and see if there's anything to be done?

Three issues:

  1. @username not always clickable
  2. @xxx does not always produce a dropbox
  3. Typing @ sometimes marks the text as a heading rather than inserting "@"

Hi @david_r I have notice some funny behaviour too with the @username links. Thank you for bringing this up.


To add to the list, doesn't seem to work at all when using a mobile device. I have asked AnswerHub, who manages the back end of the Knowledge Center site about this and keep this thread up to date.

AnswerHub has replied with the following, looks like when the site is updated, these username issues will be resolved:


"these are all known issues with our redactor editor, however, the good news is these will no longer be an issue in the near future due to our soon-to-be-available froala editor in v1.8. Unfortunatley, since these are core issues that are already fixed in our next version there isn't much we can do to immediately elimatie these for you. Thanks for your patience in the meantime, we hope the release of our froala editor significantly improves everyone's experience!"
