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Dear All , 



We need to combine all the attributes from AttributePivoter into another feature class , we used FeatureMerger to combine the attributes but we are not getting all the attribute from AttributePivoter  . if we write AttributePivoter to excel directly it is working fine , but now we need to use the excel output into the same feature class . so what is the way to get it in one shot 



1) AttributePivoter  with FeatureMerger  but not getting all the attribute


2) or  if we write it to excel how can we use this execl as input again on the same work bench 


3) or call another workbench from the same workbench to read the output excel file and merge it with another feature . 



If you have to run a second workspace to read from your output XLS then a WorkspaceRunner at the end of your process won't work since it will happen before the XLS has fully written out so you'll need to control 2 workspaces with a simple batch file to run one after the other. Batchfile syntax would be something like:



fme "c:\\temp\\workspace1.fmw"


fme "c:\\temp\\workspace2.fmw"



(create a text file called run.bat then 'edit' it and put in the syntax similar to above)



Having said all that, if the output works to Excel but not to your FeatureClass then inspect the output using the FME Table View in the Inspector to see if you can see why. Or perhaps there's a format restriction that means it's not possible with your output format. Check the format quick facts in the FME Readers and Writers manual.
