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When I post a new question on this forum, the attachment button does not work. Clicking on the button does nothing. When I hover over it, my cursor becomes a hand symbol.

I would like it to work, as sometimes I need to attach a file to clarify my question.

What browser are you using? I am using Chrome and it works fine. You can also just try a copy and paste.

If you have any type of blocker extension in your browser, try disabling them before reloading the page and trying again. You may also want to try with a second browser, if possible.


I'm using the forum with both Chrome and Firefox (Windows and Mac), both should work.



Yeah it works with Firefox ( and seeminlgy CHrome).

On windowsExlporer it always fails for me, so i FmeForum with Firfox. (ffff)



I'm sorry you are having issues. If you are still having issues after following the suggestions by the other users, you can send your data to with the link to your question and we can attach it for you.


I do suggest trying to clear your cache and restarting your browser. Sometimes the data gets hung up in the server.



My mistake. The attachment button is working fine.

I was was clicking on the word "Attachments:" which does cause my mouse pointer to turn into a hyperlink hand.

@deanhowell2009's post included a picture that showed me the right way to do it.

Sorry for the bother
