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I need to relate text values (annotations) to lines. In the example bellow, there are 3 lines and 2 annotations. The longest line (two segments) should get value "PEd100" and the other one should get PE32. Annotations aren't related to lines by common attribute, just placed near the lines.

In this case both geometry and annotations are on the same layer, but it's not always the case. Any ideas?



Hello @fikusas​ I have worked on a project which does very much the same and it is a matter of using the neighborfinder and transformers like featuremerger to merge the attributes. The harder bit of the puzzle is related to which label should be assigned to which line. Is your criteria based on which label is closest to each line?

Annotation 2020-08-11 155431Here is a simple solution

Hello @fikusas​ I have worked on a project which does very much the same and it is a matter of using the neighborfinder and transformers like featuremerger to merge the attributes. The harder bit of the puzzle is related to which label should be assigned to which line. Is your criteria based on which label is closest to each line?

I thought about this approach (NeighbourFinder + FeatureMerger). Sometimes this approach will give false positives. So I wonder if there are some other ideas.
