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I have a problem with a transformation from an ArcSDE-database to a SQLite-database. When I go from the ArcSDE-database to shapefiles it is about 10 times faster compared  to if I go to the SQLite-database.



I have WRITER MODE: INSERT and I want to overwrite the database. 



I am using FME2013 Esri edition.



which SQLite writer are you using? There are 3:



SQLite non-spatial


SQLite spatial (FDO)





If you need geometries, consider trying the SpatiaLite writer.



Hi David and thanks for the quick response.



I am using SQLite spatial (FDO). I've tried the SpatiaLite with good result, but I cant connect my SQLite-database in Autocad Map.



It is unfortunately the nature of the beast; a proper database implementation will almost always have worse performance than a Shapefile.



I believe FDO is a middle layer (a bit like ArcSDE) and it might also slow things down a little bit.



Make sure that you're writing to a local directory and not a network share.



Also check if you've defined an index on one or more columns, if so try to disable them and see if it improves the write speed.



