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Hello everyone,

I have produced a dataset in oracle. I can't display those data in ArcMap because of the issue "the number of points is less than required for feature".

After reading several posts, I now understand that the issue come from the esri grid (toleand and precision) which snap point and this snapping process when displaying data in esri create some geometric issues like self-intersections that were not in oracle.

I thought of writing to a temporary geodatase. However, after importing the feature from the geodabase to oracle, I still face the same issue.

Because, it is an esri issue, the geometry validator is not able to detect them. However, there used to be a transformer called ArcSDEGridSnapper which is now deprecated.


How could I replicated the ARcGRidSnapper function in my workbench in order to identify and exclude (or repair) the features that will cause geometric issues in ESRI?


Hello @arthy​, I think the ArcSDEGridSnapper is still around, but under a different alias. Are you able to see the ArcGISGridSnapper in FME Form? This should provide the same functionality as its predecessor. Apologies this is not clear in the FME Deprecations Article, I will set aside some time to update this. Best, Kailin.

Hello @arthy​, I think the ArcSDEGridSnapper is still around, but under a different alias. Are you able to see the ArcGISGridSnapper in FME Form? This should provide the same functionality as its predecessor. Apologies this is not clear in the FME Deprecations Article, I will set aside some time to update this. Best, Kailin.



I'm using the FME database edition 2021 and neither the ArcgisGridSnapper nor the ARcSdeGRid Snapper are present.



I'm using the FME database edition 2021 and neither the ArcgisGridSnapper nor the ARcSdeGRid Snapper are present.

Hello @arthy​, thanks for responding! I think you might need to upgrade to access the new transformer. Can you download and install FME Form 2023.0 to test things out? Multiple versions of FME Desktop can be installed on the same machine! Best, Kailin.

I installed FME 2022 and I would like to prevent "the number of points is less than required for feature" issue.


Here are the properties in arcgis that I would like to mimic.imageThis is the configuration that I used in the ArcGISGridSnapper followed by a geometryValidator and after the ArcGISGridSnapper, I added a GeometryValidator

imageBut it didn't work. What did I miss?
