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We are trying to connect to our ArcGIS Portal using the portal reader. We are receiving the error "The Server does not appear to be an ArcGIS Portal instance.

This really does not make any sense because there definitely is a Portal Instance there that is used by 100's of people in our company.

I found some of the other threads but none of the solutions solved our problem (such as adding 7443, etc)

I also tried all the variations of login methods.

I am hoping someone else has had this problem and solved it or if it is just a bug with FME?

I tried it with FME Desktop 2018 and 2019 and our Portal is 10.6

Hi @morijlumos it appears that you are using incorrect URL


i.e. https://<yourservername.domain>/webadaptorname


for your case, it will be


Can you please try using the above URL?

Hi @morijlumos it appears that you are using incorrect URL 


i.e. https://<yourservername.domain>/webadaptorname


for your case, it will be 


Can you please try using the above URL? 

@rahulsharma That was the first URL I tried, I have tried many variations. If it helps at all here is the log.

Creating reader for format: Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service

Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ARCGISPORTALFEATURES'

Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\apps\FME19\python\python37\arcgisonlinefeatures\__init__.pyc'

Creating reader for format: Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service

Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for reader named `ARCGISPORTALFEATURES'

Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\apps\FME19\python\python37\arcgisonlinefeatures\__init__.pyc'

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader: Logging into '' as user 'morij'

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader: The server at '' does not appear to be an ArcGIS Portal instance. Verify that the host is a valid ArcGIS Portal

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'ARCGISPORTALFEATURES' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information

UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned

Reader Parameter(0) = ><

Reader Parameter(1) = >RETRIEVE_ALL_FS_NAMES<

Reader Parameter(2) = >Yes<

Reader Parameter(3) = >AUTH_TYPE<

Reader Parameter(4) = >generate_token<

Reader Parameter(5) = >USER<

Reader Parameter(6) = >morij<

Reader Parameter(7) = >PASSWORD<

Reader Parameter(8) = >********<

Reader Parameter(9) = >_MERGE_SCHEMAS<

Reader Parameter(10) = >YES<

Reader Directive(0) = >RUNTIME_MACROS<

Reader Directive(1) = >RETRIEVE_ALL_FS_NAMES,Yes,AUTH_TYPE,generate_token,USER,morij,PASSWORD,********,_MERGE_SCHEMAS,YES<

UniversalReader -- readSchema resulted in 0 schema features being returned

Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'ARCGISPORTALFEATURES' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information

OK, I did get it to connect to Portal using the NTLM Criteria and my user/pass, but I am receiving another error regarding, Token Required. I can log into the portal by clicking on the link in the error log. I am not understanding why "Token Required" login is not seeing the portal, but this method is and it is not generating a token?


OK, I did get it to connect to Portal using the NTLM Criteria and my user/pass, but I am receiving another error regarding, Token Required. I can log into the portal by clicking on the link in the error log. I am not understanding why "Token Required" login is not seeing the portal, but this method is and it is not generating a token?


Hi @morijlumos,


Can you confirm if you are using your Windows Username/pass i.e. Domain/Username?


Can you also try Kerberos auth? As it takes your window login credentials.

Can you confirm authentication type for your portal is it NTLM or SAML?


FME currently does not support SAML authentication type.

Hi @morijlumos


I was wondering if you resolved the issue and what caused it?

I am experiencing the same issue, using ArcGIS Portal 10.6.1 and FME 2019.1.3.

I also noticed a possible discrepancy in the FME Help about the Portal URL. The Help states that "The portal URL specified as the dataset is the URL that has the generateToken REST API endpoint. "

Which in my case would be: ""

In the FME log I read

Message: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /arcgisportal/sharing/rest/generatetoken/sharing/generateToken?f=json

So FME added "/sharing/generateToken" to a specified portal URL that already included that string, so the resulting URL is invalid of course.

When I however specify as portal URL just "" the log mentions "/arcgisportal/sharing/generateToken?f=json", which misses the "/rest" and points to an unsupported version of the API.

Any suggestions what's going on here based on your experience?


