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I'm following this write-up on how to update AGOL hosted feature layer from file geodatabase feature class. I spent hours on a chat with FME tech support troubleshooting but no luck so far. This is my first experience with FME so I'm not sure what is going on as I followed directions precisely.

The AGOL reader gets stuck after processing 24,000 parcels (30,162 total) and throws the error. I'm demo the software so its the latest version.

Some more details:


Hi, please convert your reader to a FeatureReader & custom transformer and add a loop from the rejected port to the input. Put a Decelerator between the Rejected port and the loop with 5 second delay. Also please log a support call with Esri.

I should probably mention that I tried different feature class (only 243 features) with the same FME workflow and it worked. So I'm not sure if error message is related to number of processed features

Update: I stripped the feature class to 21,392 features and FME workflow now runs as it should. This is probably ESRI related, I started the case

Update: I stripped the feature class to 21,392 features and FME workflow now runs as it should. This is probably ESRI related, I started the case

If you can invite the analyst to your org it will help a lot. You can ask they talk to me too.

The analyst will probably ask you return the service to the breaking state so it can be reproduced.
