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I'm trying to read a feature layer and write to a geodatabase. I'm able to connect to my feature layers but I get the following error when running the process

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '400' and the message was: 'Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.'. Details: 'Unable to perform query. Please check your parameters.'

Hello @afhughes

I was able to find a past instance of this error occurring, that was addressed in a new version of FME 2017.1.1. Are you currently using FME 2017.1.1 B17645 or newer? If not, are you able to install the latest version of FME 2017.1.1 found here:



I suspect this may address the issue. Let me know if that helps.


I'm currently using 2016.0 so will update and try again, thanks
