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Hi FME community



Spatial objects in FME that include arcs consist of several segments, each belonging to an arc or a subsequent series of straight lines. When you use the transformer ArcStroker to get rid of the arcs, you still have these separate segements (whereby each of them belongs now to a series of straight lines).



When you write these objects (polygons in my case) into PostGIS, they are automatically stored as "CurvePolygon" which cause problems. It needs a lot of transformers to decompose (donut-)polygons into their individual buildings blocks and to rebuild them.



My question therefore is: Is there a transformer or parameter to set so that the required simplification of the object's data structure after removing arcs happens automatically? If not, it would be desirable that Safe Software introduces this Feature in future Versions of FME. I mean are there any reasons to keep the polylines separated by segments after the removal of arcs?








Hi Andre,



The GeometryRefiner may be what you are looking for.



Thank you Takashi!



This is exactly what I was looking for. Definitively more elegant than my 8 transformers-solution.






