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Hi gents and ladies,

I'm trying to move my GIS in cloud:) unfortunately I didn't find the information about how can I add files stored on FME-Cloud to AGOL.

F.e. I have the Vessels.kml file in Data folder on FME-Cloud/Resources and I want to add this file to AGOL. Is it possible or not?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @sega

You definitely can write data from your resources on FME Cloud to AGOL. First, you will need to create a workspace with FME Desktop that writes, in your case, the KML dataset to AGOL ( Getting Started with FME Desktop). Before you publish the workspace to FME Server running on your FME Cloud instance you will need to adjust the path of the KML file in the KML Reader to match the location of the file you uploaded to FME Server. You can find the full path you need to use in the properties of the file:

Using this path with the FME Shared Resource parameter in the KML Reader will make sure you are reading the correct file.

I hope this helps!

Hi @GerhardAtSafe

Thank you for you answer. But I want to add the KML file from



via link to my KML file:


Is it possible or not? I don't want use any workbenches to add this data to AGOL in this task.

I tried to use this link with token parameter too, but in both situations I met the error error.jpg.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @sega

You should be able to do this by setting the accept query parameter for the REST API request to 'contents' and also include the fmetoken query parameter. Here is an example:


Hi @sega

You should be able to do this by setting the accept query parameter for the REST API request to 'contents' and also include the fmetoken query parameter. Here is an example:

Great! Thanks a lot!



I think we're at cross purposes here. OP wants to write KML as a web item, which isn't OOTB.
