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I have a IFC file that I want to use for a transformation. It has correct latitude and longitude values, but missing elevation values. I wanted to update the elevation value by using the AttributeValueMapper on the IFCSite class and giving it a fixed value for the RefElevation attribute. But strangely, after the transformation, not only the value for RefElevation is missing, but the values for latitude and longitude are gone, too. What am I doing wrong? I would be grateful for any help you are able to provide.

Hi @elbaston,


I don't know what's happening to that RefElevation value (I'd have to have a closer look at your workspace). But I do have a (disappointing) answer to the latitude/longitude that is being dropped. Unfortunately, FME can't write a spatial reference for IFC files. In fact, it also can't store the units properly. Which might be the reason that RefElevation is dropped as well, but who knows?

Anyway, this is what the "Partial" means under "Coordinate System Support" in the IFC R/W documentation. FME can only read the spatial reference.

There is a post on the Q&A; forum already, which discusses the same problem. Do write Safe @support about this and refer to the PR in the linked post above. If more and more people are bothered by the fact that FME doesn't support a spatial reference on the IFC Writer, they might address that problem sooner. @daleatsafe: is this on your radar too? If forgot to bring this up during the FME UC :)

As a workaround for your problem - but you have to know what you're doing! - you could find/replace the line(s) in the IFC file in which the IfcSite is defined using a TextFile Reader in FME and add the RefElevation. Then, write it again using a TextFile Writer.

Hi @elbaston,


I don't know what's happening to that RefElevation value (I'd have to have a closer look at your workspace). But I do have a (disappointing) answer to the latitude/longitude that is being dropped. Unfortunately, FME can't write a spatial reference for IFC files. In fact, it also can't store the units properly. Which might be the reason that RefElevation is dropped as well, but who knows?

Anyway, this is what the "Partial" means under "Coordinate System Support" in the IFC R/W documentation. FME can only read the spatial reference.

There is a post on the Q&A; forum already, which discusses the same problem. Do write Safe @support about this and refer to the PR in the linked post above. If more and more people are bothered by the fact that FME doesn't support a spatial reference on the IFC Writer, they might address that problem sooner. @daleatsafe: is this on your radar too? If forgot to bring this up during the FME UC :)

As a workaround for your problem - but you have to know what you're doing! - you could find/replace the line(s) in the IFC file in which the IfcSite is defined using a TextFile Reader in FME and add the RefElevation. Then, write it again using a TextFile Writer.

Thank you very much, that workaround worked for me.



Hi @elbaston,


I don't know what's happening to that RefElevation value (I'd have to have a closer look at your workspace). But I do have a (disappointing) answer to the latitude/longitude that is being dropped. Unfortunately, FME can't write a spatial reference for IFC files. In fact, it also can't store the units properly. Which might be the reason that RefElevation is dropped as well, but who knows?

Anyway, this is what the "Partial" means under "Coordinate System Support" in the IFC R/W documentation. FME can only read the spatial reference.

There is a post on the Q&A; forum already, which discusses the same problem. Do write Safe @support about this and refer to the PR in the linked post above. If more and more people are bothered by the fact that FME doesn't support a spatial reference on the IFC Writer, they might address that problem sooner. @daleatsafe: is this on your radar too? If forgot to bring this up during the FME UC :)

As a workaround for your problem - but you have to know what you're doing! - you could find/replace the line(s) in the IFC file in which the IfcSite is defined using a TextFile Reader in FME and add the RefElevation. Then, write it again using a TextFile Writer.

fyi I've looked it up and this is filed as PR#53546 - I've posted a link to this thread and increased the priority a notch. Currently there's no target date set for its implementation. Sorry.



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