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I have a long workflow that transforms some DWG (for buildings), GeoTIFF (for terrain) and FBX (for trees) in 3D datasets (IFC, OBJ, FBX, glTF). The whole process takes a bit more than a day because it's on a quite huge input dataset. The output is fanned out based on a 500m x 500m grid.

When I was testing my workflow on a smaller dataset, it worked fine on the four different file formats. Now that I tested it on a bigger dataset, it only works on the file based datasets (IFC and OBJ). The workflow is still able to write the first part (terrain) in the folder based datasets (FBX and glTF), but as soon as it starts writing the buildings in the all ready created fanned out folders, I get an Access Denied (that I didn't get when I was working on smaller datasets).

Does anybody have any idea why ?

Did you test a full run or a partial run using FeatureCaching?

Are you reading the files you are writing during runtime?

Hard to say what is happening but this feels like a workflow order conflict to me.

I did a full run directly, without FeatureCaching. I'm not reading the wrote files during the process. Basically, the script creates 3 different feature types for every file, and merges them together:

  • Buildings
  • Terrain
  • Trees

It first writes the terrain in a glTF file, then the buildings and then the trees, in the same file again. The weird thing is, it works on small datasets (16km^2) but not on larger ones. That's why I wanted to know if there was a known issue with FME that resctricts some things based on memory usage, or maybe a UNIX problem that prevents writing too many files in the same folder. The latter shouldn't be the problem as the same script works for file based datasets (IFC and OBJ), where I output more than 20'000 files in the same folder.

I did a full run directly, without FeatureCaching. I'm not reading the wrote files during the process. Basically, the script creates 3 different feature types for every file, and merges them together:

  • Buildings
  • Terrain
  • Trees

It first writes the terrain in a glTF file, then the buildings and then the trees, in the same file again. The weird thing is, it works on small datasets (16km^2) but not on larger ones. That's why I wanted to know if there was a known issue with FME that resctricts some things based on memory usage, or maybe a UNIX problem that prevents writing too many files in the same folder. The latter shouldn't be the problem as the same script works for file based datasets (IFC and OBJ), where I output more than 20'000 files in the same folder.

No experience with these formats, but if I read:

It first writes the terrain in a glTF file, then the buildings and then the trees, in the same file again.

I wonder, can it be that multiple writers are writing to the same file, at the same time? Because if that is the case, this is probably causing the access denied error.


This can work in a small set where due to accidental timing it works fine, but with a production run, with a lot of data and different timing, this can fail.


It is possible to force one FeatureWriter to wait for the previous one to finish. Connect the second FeatureWriter input and the first FeatureWriter summary outputport to a Holder, then a Tester to remove the summary feature from the data, send the rest to the inputport of the second FeatureWriter. Downside is this might take a lot of memory, due to all features waiting before they can move on.



Ok thanks a lot. I'll try this for sure. For now, I created three different workflows (one for the trees, one for the buildings and one for the terrain) that will create three seperate glTF for every grid cell. I'll merge them together afterwards. See if that works. But I'll definitely try your solution.

I also met Jean-Luc Miserez by chance yesterday, who is the director at INSER (FME's distributor in Switzerland). He told me that a "hack" of FME desktop is to be able to run up to 8 workflow simultaneously (each workflow will use 1 Core) to greatly increase the speed of a big workflow. So my solution of splitting up the workflow in three is not the most convenient but it will maybe greatly increase the speed (it took almost 2 full days of processing before). I'll see and let you know :)
