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is it possible to upload a file to the FME Flow shared resource folder through the Flow REST API? I tried to setup a POST request for fmerest/v3/resources/connections/<resource>/filesys/<path> but get a 415 Unsupported Media Type Response. I used the following parameters in Postman:

In this example I want to upload the text file “test.txt” to the shared resource folder “Test”. 

Is there a problem with the request, or is this the wrong approach for uploading a file via the REST API? The goal would be to provide a means for external applications to upload files that are then processed by FME Flow. Thank you for your help!

The below screenshot is working for me:

Using basic auth under the Authorization tab

Hi @hkingsbury, after changing the URL and body the request is working for me as well. Thank you!

Hi ​@hkingsbury,

I have a similar problem. When I follow the steps above, I get the "message": "Error communicating with FME Flow host XXX \nContact your FME Flow administrator who can investigate the log files for further details.\nAlso see: refused: connect"

Unfortunately, the link provided there, doesn’t seem to exist anymore. 

Just for testing, I also tried to upload through the api v4 - using this POST request: 



Then I get this "message": "The required parameter \"files\" was not found in the request."

Could you help me? 


Best regards,

