Hi everyone,
I’ve created a python script that has the docx library and arcpy library imported in it that takes field values from a GIS feature class and writes it to a docx document successfully. I would like to trigger the python script to run every time that feature class in an enterprise geodatabase is updated.
I am working in the 11.3 Enterprise Environment and have come across this support page regarding implementing webhooks and FME
I will attempt to do the above, but I have a simple question regarding the FME workspace itself.
I have read up on the PythonCreator and PythonCaller transformers, with the PythonCreator not requiring an inpput. If all I want is an update to the GIS feature class to trigger the python script to run, would the FME workspace just have a PythonCreator with the python script in it and a logger? Or would it be more beneficial to have a Creator connected to a PythonCaller transformer then a logger? Is there any best practices to use one over the other if all I want to do is run the python script upon the update trigger?
Thank you in advance!