
Trigger FME job from URL

  • 6 February 2013
  • 3 replies

Hi there,


I have a problem to trigger FME job from url.


The URL ask a login name and password.


Can i disable it?


Here are the URL






3 replies

Badge +21
Read about disabling security here:



However I would advise to rather create a new user to keep security on top!
Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi syafid


A  couple of additional notes on this - although yes SigTill's method will work.



First, I noticed that the URL in your question will send the request for data download via the Web User Interface. . The "invoke" part actually does this - though granted that's not very obvious.  So yes as SigTill says you have to disable security on the Web UI to get that to work.



But there is a url to go directly to the Data Download service like this:



If the fmeguest user is given access to the Data Download Service (Security Panel of the Web UI) and if the fmeguest user has access to your repository then no authentication is needed for that URL. 




Thanks for the reply SigTill and KenAtSafe.



I managed to disable the security.


Before I'm disabled it, I already check the guest ID..


It's already given permission and access to repositiry and data download..



When I post the URL from another application, it still request to key in login and passwd. The catalina.out log error HTML 401.



For time being, I think your solution is working and great since our FME environment in use internally..


Thanks guy..
