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This might be a bit of a simple question but I'm looking for a way to run an FME Server Automation as a singular event, one time, similar to right-click > Run on a Windows Scheduled Task. I'm running the Automation once per week using a Schedule Trigger, but if that Automation fails, I want to be able to manually run it again without impacting the existing schedule. I could duplicate the Automation and set the Schedule as Run Immediately but that would mean changing the Schedule settings each time. Not the end of the world, but I feel like there should be an easy way to run it just one time. I was looking at FME Server's Scheduler as well but it doesn't appear that you can setup an Automation and Trigger it one time, it seems like single workspace only. I'm running FME Server 2019.1.3.1.

Any thoughts?


I can't remember if this functionality was present in 2019, but at least in 2020.2 (which is the version I have in front of me) there is a "Trigger" button at the bottom of the schedule details, next to the "Cancel" and "Apply" buttons. Note, however, that the "Trigger" button is only visible when the automation is set as running.

The "Trigger" button will trigger the schedule once, regardless of how it is configured.

I can't remember if this functionality was present in 2019, but at least in 2020.2 (which is the version I have in front of me) there is a "Trigger" button at the bottom of the schedule details, next to the "Cancel" and "Apply" buttons. Note, however, that the "Trigger" button is only visible when the automation is set as running.

The "Trigger" button will trigger the schedule once, regardless of how it is configured.

Wow, I totally missed that. Yes, it's in Server 2019 and accomplishes exactly what I want to do. I think I had been looking for something while the Automation was Stopped. Thanks @david_r​ !
