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Reading GDB in FME Flow Gallery App

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I’ve got two user parameters in my gallery app. A Generic reader where i chose what data to read in, in my case a ESRI geodatabase, and a featuretype user parameter to choose which feature class or layer to read in. I can’t seem to get this to work from ESRI gdbs. Anyone have any ideas? I can’t select the gdb, only a file in the gdb folder.



4 replies


The easiest way to do this correctly, is to configure a (Feature)Reader reading a file geodatabase, and then from the existing dataset, choose User Parameters → Create User Parameter.

If you want to do it manually from the User Parameters config, you need to choose the type File/Folder/URL and make sure “Items to select” is set at Geodatabase.

File geodatabases need a different approach as it is a folder with an extension and do not behave as expected.

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • April 9, 2024

Hi @nielsgerrits 

Thanks for this, so i can’t use a generic reader to read a gdb on FME flow?

My Gallery App needs to be able to read in a number of different formats, and i don’t want another feature reader using the specific gdb reader.




No experience with gallery apps, so I’m not sure on that part.

I think you can use one generic reader, but you will need 2 different parameters, one for regular files and one for file geodatabases. I can imagine that is what you prefer not to have.

A workaround could be to create a choice parameter for filetype, then 2 parameters for file or geodatabase with conditional visibility based on the choice.

nielsgerrits wrote:

No experience with gallery apps, so I’m not sure on that part.

I think you can use one generic reader, but you will need 2 different parameters, one for regular files and one for file geodatabases. I can imagine that is what you prefer not to have.

A workaround could be to create a choice parameter for filetype, then 2 parameters for file or geodatabase with conditional visibility based on the choice.

Attached sample.


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