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Capture2I have built a simple Automation that is set up to read in email attachments, process them in workspace 1, and then move the attachment files to another folder location in workspace 2. The trigger is an IMAP trigger, which polls every 10 min. This means that sometimes, there are two or more emails waiting to be processed when the email is polled. When this happens I would like email 1 files to be processed through both workspace 1 and 2, before moving on to email 2, but I am having trouble setting this up. Currently, my job logs show:

  • Workspace 1
  • Workspace 1
  • Workspace 2
  • Workspace 2

But I would like them to process in a different order so the job logs would look like this:

  • Workspace 1
  • Workspace 2
  • Workspace 1
  • Workspace 2

I had a similar Automation set up and working this way in version 2018.1, but I haven't been able to replicate it in 2020.2. Did something change between these two versions? Or am I just missing something simple?

Hello @drc43​ , take a look at Holly's answer on this post. She explains how to use the FME Server Job Queue Priority really well! Hope this helps, Kailin.

Hello @drc43​ , take a look at Holly's answer on this post. She explains how to use the FME Server Job Queue Priority really well! Hope this helps, Kailin.

Hi @kailinatsafe​ , thanks for directing me to Holly's post. She does describe the Job Queue Priority really well, but as she mentions, the first job in the queue starts running before the new job can be promoted to the top of the queue based on the priority. So this doesn't really help my workflow. I may look for an idea on this or post one myself. Thanks!
