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Monitoring an Esri Hosted layer

  • 30 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Is it possible to construct an FME Flow/Server (I currently have Server 2022.2) process that can monitor an Esri Enterprise (10.8.1) hosted layer?  We are trying to build something that notifies particular people when changes are made.




4 replies

Badge +24

What are your requirements? Do you need to know within seconds? What changes do you want to detect?

Is it your own Enterprise?

Is there a column with changedBy date?


If not… you could download all the data and do a changedetection every 5 minutes on your data and the service?

You could request all ObjectID's and see if there are changes in record numbering?

But if you want to know if some field or geometry is changed and there is no changedByDate field it would be very intense to check.



Badge +1

Thanks jkr_wrk,

The changes we’re tying to capture are new records arriving from an S123 survey.  It is our own system and we’re currently using a version of that change detection you mentioned.  It works, but we had it running about 75 times a day. 

There aren’t actually very many changes to this data, but they tend to come at random intervals.  So to simplify things, the idea was to try and implement some version of monitoring like it can do with folders or database tables (with triggers), but this keeps looking more & more like it’s not actually possible.

If it truly isn’t, then yes there edit tracking on this dataset and I’ll probably try and see if I can make a more efficient version using the date field from that.


Badge +24

Well, if it is your own survey it is actually very easy. In your survey123 you can use the Webhook capability that will visit your FME Server to start the workspace.

The body of the webhook will contain the data that is edited as json. With a text reader (or json reader) you could even extract the change.

Badge +1

Thanks jkr_wrk,


I will read up on webhooks.
