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longitudinal section, change direction of stationing


I have created a longitudinal section as illustrated in the screenshot. The customer now would like me to change the direction of the stationing (running from right to left instead of running from left to right.)

The basis for the creation is a 3D polyline. Is there any quick and smart way to accomplish it?

I'm not familiar with your type of data, but you can use the Orientor to reverse the direction of a line, if that's what you need.

If the requirement is to reverse left/right sides of the line, the Scaler (X: -1, Y: 1, Z: 1) could be a solution.

Hi @takashi and @david_r,

thanks a lot for your support. Finally, the solutiion was pretty straighforward. Primarily, I just had to change the sign of the strationing values in the measure Generator (plus some text rotation)

The result looks like this:
