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We have upgraded from FME 2014 to 2020 and we want to take advantage of the new available features.

The problem here is that I thought automations would make everything easier and could replace things like using shutdown python scripts to do whatever when the workspace fails or end as expected but I don't see automations can help us when our trigger would be just the execution of an FME Server app.

Any ideas?

Hi @dms2​ ,


Yes, I'd suggest setting up your workspace to notify a topic on failure, you can then use this topic as the trigger within your Automation.


  1. Create an Automation, add the FME Server Topic Trigger and click on the + button to create a new topic name.
  2. In FME Workbench publish the workspace, and on the Register Services page edit the properties for the service the app will run with and under the Notify on Job Completion section add the topic created in step 1 to 'Post to Topics on Failure', select OK and publish.
  3. Now, whenever the workspace fails the topic will receive a message and kickstart the Automation process.



I followed your indications but there's something I still don't understand.

I published the workspace setting the 'Post Data from Writer' property (under the 'Notify on Job Completion' section) to a Textile writer (with MIME type set to application/json).

When monitoring this topic from FME Server's Classic Notifications section I see my Textfile writer's data added to the topic message as "subscriber_content".

When the automation is triggered, the message in the topic does not include the writer's data though.

Is this intended? Am I doing something wrong?


I followed your indications but there's something I still don't understand.

I published the workspace setting the 'Post Data from Writer' property (under the 'Notify on Job Completion' section) to a Textile writer (with MIME type set to application/json).

When monitoring this topic from FME Server's Classic Notifications section I see my Textfile writer's data added to the topic message as "subscriber_content".

When the automation is triggered, the message in the topic does not include the writer's data though.

Is this intended? Am I doing something wrong?

Hi @dms2​ ,

The Topic JSON in Automations is stored a little differently from in Notifications, in Automations only the file path to the file specified in the 'Post Data from Writer' is included in the event JSON, not the file contents.


This file path is referenced by the FME Server Parameter $(FME_TOPIC_MESSAGE) so in the workspace that is triggered by the Topic if you add a JSON Reader and set the source dataset to this parameter it should be read in successfully.

