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I'm trying to use the output of an Automations Writer (workspace 0) as input for the next workspace (1). For the two 'Text' User Parameters, I can use the drop down menu and choose the 'SFTP_Username' Attribute of the Automations Writer as the input for the next Workspace.


However, for the 'Password' User Parameter, the is no drop down menu to choose the 'SFTP_Password' Attribute of the Automations Writer. I have tried inserting it as '{route.ConnectionParameters.SFTP_Password}' and this did not work.


Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!




Hi @marnickcle​ ,


Unfortunately, the use of output keys in Automations is not currently supported for the password type parameter. There is an existing enhancement request (reference: FMESERVER-16526) but it has not been selected for work at this time. I'd encourage you to post an idea, this allows our product managers to gauge interest in an enhancement to help them plan future work.
