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FMEServer Configuring Microsoft Exchange

  • 10 August 2016
  • 4 replies

Does anyone have experience configuring FMEServer Email Notifications using Microsoft Exchange.

What do I need to configure on the Exchange server to enable this. I am getting the error message below,

IMAP settings are already enabled for this account, but I am getting this message when trying to validate.


The logfile shows the detail below

Tue-09-Aug-2016 03:54:00 PM INFORM
IncomingEmailWatcher 809006 :
: Connecting to email server "***********" on port 25

Tue-09-Aug-2016 03:54:00 PM
WARN IncomingEmailWatcher 809009 : : : Failed to connect to
email server. Please check IMAP settings in publication
"IncomingEmailWatcher", and ensure IMAP is enabled for the email
account. Error message:
220 ms-exchangeb4f2 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 9 Aug 2016
15:53:59 +0100

Tue-09-Aug-2016 03:54:00 PM INFORM
IncomingEmailWatcher 809011 : : : Accessing email account ...

Tue-09-Aug-2016 03:54:00 PM
ERROR IncomingEmailWatcher 809014 : : : Failed to process email. Error message: null


Any suggestions??


Hi Ciara,

Did you have a look at this question, I posted a while ago:

Email and Office 365

It solved my problem.

But looking closer at yours, it might not be the same issue.

Hi Ciara,

Did you have a look at this question, I posted a while ago:

Email and Office 365

It solved my problem.

But looking closer at yours, it might not be the same issue.

Thanks erik_jan I had a look and played around with the settings and no joy.



I think everything I have done from FMEServer side is correct. I'll go back and discuss with the I.T department and see if there is anything additional they need to do from their side to give FMEServer access to the Microsoft Exchange email server



Hi Ciara,

Do you have any certificate verification?

The only case I could find that was similar had no verification and FME wouldn't work in that case. But I understand FME Server 2016 now has an option to turn off SSL certificate verification for IMAP Publications. Maybe that would help?

Otherwise I see that we did test specifically this particular Exchange/IMAP setup, and it worked fine. So the only other suggestion I have is to double-check for a firewall that's blocking particular ports or programs.

Hope this helps


Hi Ciara,

Do you have any certificate verification?

The only case I could find that was similar had no verification and FME wouldn't work in that case. But I understand FME Server 2016 now has an option to turn off SSL certificate verification for IMAP Publications. Maybe that would help?

Otherwise I see that we did test specifically this particular Exchange/IMAP setup, and it worked fine. So the only other suggestion I have is to double-check for a firewall that's blocking particular ports or programs.

Hope this helps


Thanks for your help Mark,



Yes I had used the option turn off SSL certificate and still got the same message. I am definitely going to go double-check firewall is not blocking the port as I think the issue lies around security. I'll report back when I finally get to the bottom of it

