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I am new to FME Server and have been experimenting with creating email notifications when a job succeeds or fails. I have done this in two ways for the one workspace:

1. Using the FMEServerEmailGenerator within the workspace:

2. Applying Notification Settings while setting a scheduled time for the workspace to run in FME Server:

When I run the workspace unscheduled and it fails, the failure email that is sent seems to change - sometimes it is the one that I set up using Method 1, and sometimes the one that I created in when subscribing to notifications in Method 2.

Can someone please explain the difference between the two methods, and when one method takes priority over another method?


@aquamarine - This behaviour sounds odd.. have you published your workspace and specified one of the FME Server Web Services (e.g. Job Submitter, Data Download) with a Topic to Notify on Job Completion? (see image)

When the workspace is manually invoked, it might be honouring this method (via Publish to FME Server) and hitting Topic A - whereas when the Schedule runs it might be hitting Topic B. Perhaps there are multiple Email Subscriptions?

It might help to see your environment using a screen share – if you are still experiencing this issue please contact Safe Support. I wouldn't expect the failure email to randomly switch between methods.

You may also want to check if the DataDownload/JobSubmitter Success/Failure Email Subscriptions (installed by default with FME Server) have been configured.
