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Hi All, am trying to work out how to build some logic into an automation on FME SERVER. Here is my workflow: Workspace reads Arcgis feature service every day. If it reads a record with "Attribute A' = "HIGH" (test filter) then email bob the workspace outputs (csv of "HIGH' Records) , if "AttributeA" = "LOW" email Mary the workspace outputs (csv of 'LOW' records). I'm unsure where I'm meant to build this logic. Is it in the workspace or automation? The automation action (run workspace) only has 'Action Succeeded' or 'Action Failed'. Am I meant to be passing a notification from the workspace to the automation??. I have read all I can find on this but must be missing something. Thanks Steve.

I think I have answered my own question now: use a FmeServerAutomations Writer in your workspace. This creators another port on your "Action" in FME server allow you to use this to create a downstream external action (email) you get some new keys from this port also if needed for the email/
